












有一个画面,确实让我顶不顺的。就是那Cameraman,狠狠地一脚踩死过街的老鼠。死状好恐怖呢!在他踩老鼠的那一刻,血溅四处脑浆四溅露出来的肠子清楚可见!踩下去的那一霎那还听得见老鼠死前的一声惨叫!那时候的我,即时无言。心里面就在想:Ou…… 这不会是真的吧!开玩笑!那一幕,好像亲眼看见呢!




Category: By Mr Yee
UTAR 的 TD2,越来越颠了。可能是全班都是男生(只有一个女的)的关系吧。大胆的说,全16班,就只有我们班是最“那个”的!“那个”?不就是colours咯!


就拿今天来说。有一堂课,Writing for Science,Tutor叫我们写一段Descriptive Essay。她说,什么东西都可以形容。啊,我就形容袜子,但,还是有点乏味(只有一个人笑,太冷了吧)!然后,我后面的4位仁兄,我真的很佩服他们!他们,想象空间极大,我呢,还有学习的空间。


Masterpiece 1
This thing is produced to human, especially girl. This thing is made of cloth and two lines of elastic threads. The two lines use to hang up it like hang up two elephants to the sky. Without wearing it, it makes woman looks ugly, that is my friend told me. This helps it from cone become honey dew. It also helps to prevent it from muscle injury when running. Besides that, it also helps woman prevent from colour wolf to think bad things.

Masterpiece 2
This thing has many flavours for example strawberry and so on like eat the lollipop. Human can buy this as breath in oxygen. This thing is produced for safety reason like wearing helmet to avoid accident happen. After using this feel more comfortable like wearing underwear when going out. It is full of fun using this like live in heaven with no worry. This thing is elastic like balloon that fulfill the demand of difference among human to enjoy the love. By using this, the life is full of happiness and healthy to make the life wonderful.





Category: By Mr Yee




Category: By Mr Yee
看了留言之后,真的好气又好笑。世界上,还蛮多像我的人 (唔声唔声,吓你一惊)。

就拿源君来说,在大家的印象之中,她曾经是个PREFECT,啊,一定是很乖的,还很会唱歌呢!成绩?问曾经和她同班的人。没想到,她是个漫迷。爱看漫画没关系。但问题是,她爱看BL漫画!什么是BL? Boy‘s Love/Boys Love。就从字面上,简单而言,就是Gay。什么是gay?男同性恋!嗯,我还真好奇BL漫画的故事会是如何的。当然,少不了“浪漫”这两个字。

个人觉得,BL通常是女生/腐女看的。腐女是什么意思?有宅男,就有腐女。在日本,通称“御宅族”。“御宅族”又是什么?怎么说呢,就是他们所谓拥有特殊爱好的人——漫迷,收藏手办 (动画角色的人工公仔)、美少女公仔、漫画。有看动画《乃木板春香の秘密》就知道了!

不过!我很欣赏有特殊爱好的人 (上一段说明的,只是其中之一)。


所谓的虐待,就是SM,Sadomasochism的缩写。说到SM,大家大概是联想到一个穿着马甲戴着面具,嘴唇擦得特红的女郎,穿着一双黑亮的长靴 (外加蕾丝的丝袜),哇,全身黑装的,手上还拿着一条长鞭 (此刻我却想到Cat Woman)。哎哟,准备玩弄一个双手双脚被绑在床的四角,躺在床上等着被死神惩罚的全裸男人。诶,还可以角色对换哦!


说到漫画,有一次我去Sunway Piramid的lala街,走进店名叫《Comic Paradise》的漫画店。其实哦,那里的漫画都是翻版的。正版的呢,是由台湾东立或香港出版的,价钱方面,13-20令吉。KLCC的Kinokuniya Bookstore卖的都是正版的,问题是,都是sealed。MPH、TheBorders、Popular (华语版的只卖Doremon和柯南,囧) 也有卖正版的漫画,但都是英文版。Kinokuniya摆放的漫画多不胜数,Comic Paradise怎也比不上。那里还有日本进口的漫画、轻小说耶!。

哇,我竟然从Sunway扯到KLCC,强!继续Comic Paradise。看啊看,走到一脚,注意一下书名,诶,有很多都是注明“18禁 (心里奸笑)。抽出其中一本,翻开来看,哗,不得了!都是美少难被干的画面!世上无奇不有,但那一刻,我则增加了一些知识!嘻嘻!

我在想啊,如果我把那本漫画买下来的话,Cashier (是个女的)一定会想:“那个男的是不是心理变态,还是说,他是Gay的?” 但问题是,我敢买吗?


13 和 15

* 如果大家认为自己很有耐性的话,就往下去读吧。
* 因为,这是个很长很长的文章,数字有过千。
* 看完整篇,可能会花上23分钟。
* 建议逐个字看,某些句子是隐藏着另一个意思。
* 每一句,都是独行侠想说的话。
* 而且,全都是实话。
* 如果有闷到你的话,请留言!
* 如果没有闷到你的话,也请留言!
* 最后一项,内容含18+成分

13 NOV 2008

11.30am就下课咯!跟我班被Miss Audrey 称之为 “The Celaka”三人组 (老Ann,Hou,Chung),还有Neoh, How, CJ,到MV唱K去!就是MV The Garden新开的RedBox。

这一轮,第四次去的 (总共两回GreenBox,两次RedBox)。不知何时,会开一间BlueBox的,呵呵。个人,好像越来越爱唱K了。就是,很爽。开始的时候,个个都是那个样子,没什么敢开桑。适应了环境之后,大家便开始起来了。

RedBox设了WiFi,刚巧老Ann有带Laptop来,当然不会放过上网的机会啦!哈哈,重点来了。K箱里,大家都是男生。上网,会干什么?没有错!就是看A片啦!A片哪里来呢?不是从Hard Disk,而是线上。网址是谁提供的?本大侠也!

说到A片,西方国家远远都比不上Made in Japan 的。那网站呢,全都是日文,只有它认识我。但是!大家都有着共同的语言,就如数学有数学的语言。色友们,我想你应该猜到我的意思吧,哈哈。我们的节目本来就只是唱K,现在反而是一面唱,一面看。我们啊,真是太屌了,屌的是,七个人一起看耶。


很好笑的一点是,有些人看到我这个样子,就认为我是个乖乖仔,思想很单纯的。小学是这样,中学是这样就连到了大学也是这样!他们跟我说话时很小心,都不会涉及到性,可能是我文静的原因吧。哎呀,都是我先打破这道墙。他们啊,都会露出惊讶的表情。得到的答案,都是一致的:“哟,想不到你是这样的一个人!”。可能大家都被灌输了一种思想,就是那些很会读书的,脑子一定是很干净的,从不碰这些东西。哈,可别忘了,人不可以貌相。虽然我是这个样子 (是在自夸吗?xD),只是表面上而已,其实啊,我的思想,不是你所想象的那么纯洁。一山还有一山高。你会去看,你会去找,或许,我比你更厉害哦。也有一句话是这么说的。一个人,知道的越多,反而想知道更多的。我是个很好奇的男生。每天都会去挖掘新的道路,寻找另一类的刺激。



15 NOV 2008


考完了,心中的担子也放下来了。哈,不知怎的,来到大学后,考试好像没中学时那么有压力。哟,是在吹牛嘛?别说这些了。接下来,就是去Sunway Pyramid,出席小学聚会兼生日会。今天的寿星女,便是她啦!





玩着刀的独行侠MrYee 和 眯着眼沉思的浪客文耀

我们的午餐(在Fish Market Manhattan),2-3人份。价钱 - 不菲。


戏院外,再来一张。注:这儿少了两个人—— 文耀、庆发

大家都看《Madagascar 2》。哈哈,还是那么的好笑,招牌动作(摇屁股)一样是少不了!故事的开头,述说主角狮子,Alex小时候的故事。还有那四只企鹅,真的是没话讲!I like to move it move it. I like to move it move it. I like to move it move it. You like to? MOVE IT!

地点:Secret Recipe

Chocolate Banana

extremely addictive. loads of banana
slices on a bed of chocolate cream with
chocolate sponge and coated with
melted home-made chocolate

weight: ±2.2kg maximum: 6 recipes

Happy Birthday to Vinnie Tan!

Chocolate Banana 被五马分尸。不,是一刀分尸。死状,惨不忍睹!所以,不宜提供有关的照片。xD

左到右:咏仪 涌漳

These are us


Photoshop 之后,更加有Feeling~~

哈哈,是在帮Secret Recipe打广告吗?


Category: By Mr Yee

* * * * * *

糟了,我开始想念一个人了。也是最近才开始想念的。很奇怪是吧?这个人,呃,怎么说,啊,真不知该怎么描述。哈,在我眼中,这个人就只显出两个字—— 三八。很好笑吗?的确,呵呵。差不多,就要一年没见咯。


想念人,是没有罪的。我爱想念谁,是我的自由,这不管你的事 [说到好像真的很有道理]。




Category: By Mr Yee

在古时的英国,一般人不能随意做爱。 除非他们是皇家贵族,不然一定要有国王的允许。 所以当人们想要生小孩时,他们就会去跟国王申请允许, 国王就会给他们一个牌子挂在门上,代表他们可以做爱。 在牌子上写着 “Fornication Under Consent of the King” <翻译:在国王的允许下做爱>




Category: By Mr Yee
Yesterday, caught by Mr. Wesley, the Director of Centre for Foundation Studies – PJ Campus UTAR. Why? Here’s the story.


My friend, Chun Hou and I were watching movies in the computer lab. You know where I sit? Hm, the computer lab is beside the corridor. Many people are going through this corridor, so those who are passing by can see what we are doing inside. Yet, I sat right in front of the window, so people passed by can see very clearly that we were doing. Haha, see how dare I am!

Actually, I did feel a little bit afraid of being caught. I was very alert when there was someone knocking the window. Well, right at that time [around 12.45pm], again, someone knocked the window. Hah, it must be one of our friends again, so we didn’t bother it. “Kok kok kok…” . The guy knocked the window again. I wondered who this guy was. Then, Chun Hou looked to the back, said: “死咯,大祸!是Mr Wesley”

Everyone seems afraid of him when heard about his name. Right, he is the director for Foundation. So, for Foundation, he is the BOSS.

I turned my head to the back as well. I could see his index finger moving, like telling me “COME OUT!” . So, I went out of the lab. First sentence from him, “Give me your ID!” Of course, I was being reprimanded. “Bla bla bla, bla bla” “What is the purpose of computer lab? Learning and teaching. But you watch movie here.” “If you use your laptop, bla bla bla, I don’t care, but you use the computer here to watch movie, I have to care.” “Bla bla bla, bla bla bla…” “So, what’s your argument? You have to defend yourself! Tell me, what’s your argument.”

I was totally speechless. Should be said that, I didn’t even speak out any words. Just, let him said, said, and said. Me? Listened, listened, and listened. I couldn’t do anything. First, I was caught on the spot, in front of many people. There was no reason for me to defend myself. Yet, if I had my points, he would defend back as well. No point to get into argument. So, I would rather choose to be silent.

He holds me ID.

Today, with a letter of apology, I got back my ID. However, I was blacklisted.

Hard Disk

Category: By Mr Yee
Hey there! Wah, I haven't been updating my blog for a week. So, what I can say? Simple, I am lazy. Actually is not lazy la, just a bit busy recently, yet, I couldn't think anything to write these days. Nice one! I am posting this in ENGLISH! Quite a long time didn't type in ABC, don't worry, I still manage to write proper sentences and less mistakes in grammar, but with a little bit of broken english that Malaysian might or can understand. LOL.

First of all, I would like to announce that, my 320G hard disk is spoiled! How sad! Really don't know what happened lo. Hm, let me recall back to two days ago... It was at night, around 11.30, I was managing the files in the local disk, keeping the useful one and deleting the unnecessary one.

Here comes the story. I noticed a music file that I downloaded long time ago, then listen lo, when it went to half, the Media Player hang suddenly. I thought it would go back to normal after a few seconds. I waited, waited, waited... for an hour, then only my beloved computer told me:"I am totally hang!" What the *dut*. Nevermind, I hold the power button to shut down and started it again [funny, my case doesn't have any restart button]. Well, the system was starting up! LOL, nonsense la, of course the CPU sure start up after pressing the power button.

But, the thing is, the SPEED of system start up had become 100 times slower!!!!! Once again, What the *dut*! I had waited for years, finally the BIOS was ended, but another problem appeared, the systems said "Select a proper booting device or insert a booting disc..." this kind of stuff. What the hell? Sad man, I couldn't even log in to the window!

Nevermind, I decided to insert the window vista disc and intall a plain copy of piracy Vista. Again, system boot up, SLOW! Even starting up the installation of Vista also very SLOW. I had totally lost my patient, and temper! This time, I had waited for decades. It was damn bloody slow! Finally, came to the option of selecting which disk to install.

Came to that second, I almost wanted to kill myself when I saw the figure! You know what i have seen???

Disk space: 298.0GB Unallocated Space:298.0GB

ARHHH!!!!! All my stuff! All my private properties! All my videos! All my downloaded musics, pictures, softwares! Which is EVERYTHING! WAS TOTALLY GONE! [Hollie, you happy lo, all my porn stuff has gone by itself] Nothing much to say, all my stuff, were no longer here...

I tried to made a partition [Arh, really time consuming, SO SLOW!], it showed, error in making new partition. Again, I was speechless. And the conclusion I can made is... my hard disk got problem.

Very sad... damn sad...

Luckily I had another hard disk with me, which was the previous one, 80G. If not, You won't be seeing me at here doing the blog. See, this 320G disk only used for less than 4 months, and it come to tell me: "I am dying..." by this time. So, what I can say now?

One word: SAD.

Probably is virus...
Everything has to be started over again. Everything has to be started from none. Hmm, is this senario indicating that I have to start my life over as well? LOL, I have thought too much.

That's all for it. Thanks for reading what I have written.

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